
수고 하셧습니다. (Thanks for a job well done!) 조회(105)

프랭크리 2009. 2. 17. 13:20
수고 하셧습니다. (Thanks for a job well done!)
기타 | 2005/12/26 (월) 09:06
추천 | 스크랩(1)
toil;labor;pains;efforts;trouble;【진력exertion;service 하다 work[labor] hard;take pains;suffer troubles
   수고보람 없이 for all one’s pains
   수고들다 require much trouble
   수고덜어 주다 savea persontrouble
   수고보답하다 rewarda personfor his trouble
   수고끼치다 give[cause] 《a persontrouble;put 《a personto trouble;troublea person
수고아끼지 않다 spare no painsto do》;take the troubleto do》;bend over backwards to 《do》;go out of one’s way to 《do
그는 많은 수고 그림그렸다 He went to great pains to draw this picture.
수고끼쳐 미안합니다 I am sorry you’ve been put to all this[that] trouble. or I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you.
수고하셨습니다 Thank you for your trouble. or Many thanks for your trouble. or I appreciate what you have done. or Thanks for a job well done!
수고보람있었다 It was worth it.
원로오시느라고 수고하셨습니다 Thanks a lot for coming down here. or You are kind enough to come (and see me) all the way.
그렇게까지 수고필요없습니다 You don’t have to go to that trouble.
수고보람없었다 All the efforts were in vain.
일부러 그런 수고 필요 없어요 Don’t go to that trouble. or Don’t bother.
그를 도우려고 갖은 수고다했다 I bent over backwards to help him. or I pulled out all the stops for helping him.